Noa Dori


Honored with the title THE VOICE OF ISRAEL, Noa is an International Sensation, a classically trained vocalist with a 5 octave range, a writer and an actress.

Noa is proud of her multicultural upbringing which has allowed her to speak 5 languages and appreciating diverse music from around the world. Trained by Pavarotti’s coach at The Opera house in NY, by the age of 14 Noa has had several leading roles under her belt. She sang with the Philharmonic Orchestra and performed to critical acclaim worldwide. She has been awarded The Key To Beverly Hills , and performed at The White House, The Vatican, The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, The Staples Center, The Ford Theater just to name a few.

Noa’s angelic voice and music has been featured in many Box Office hits and TV. Steven Spielberg played her music while on the set of his movie MUNICH and later has invited Noa to perform at his LifeTime Achievement Award, with Adam Lambert, where she gave an unforgettable performance.  Using her voice in different ways has led her to sing and write beyond the classical world and so her multilingual GOLD album (Eros/ Columbia) included a beautiful rendition of Scarborough Fair that debuted #2 on the European charts.

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